check if your data has been leaked online

Check If your Data has been leaked Online and From Which app or website

Privacy is a very important concern in today’s generation. We always hear about data leaks from various Multinational Companies. Recently, You have already heard about Facebook 533 Million users data leaked and available in Dark web. If you are concered about your data, Here is a trick to check If your data has been leaked online

In this current generation, Information is a wealth. Many MNS’s earn money more than advertisement by selling the Data of Users. They are selling users data it doesn’t mean that they are doing illegal thing. These companies already mention about data sharing on their privacy policies.

There are various data breaches in the world that leaked users’ data and are available on the Dark web. Some of the biggest data breaches are as follows:

  1. Facebook Data Breach (2019)
  2. Twitter Data Breach (2018)
  3. Adobe Data Breach (2013)
  4. yahoo Data breach (2017)
  5. Cam4 Data breach (2020) and many more.

In this current generation, Data breach is a common issue but most people don’t want to share their data. Recently, When Whatsapp updated its privacy policy to share WhatsApp data with Facebook. many users switch to its alternative because of their data concern.

Also read: How to Export Chats from Whatsapp to Telegram

If you are a Privacy concerned person then, you have thought once that How you can check If you data has been leaked online. Well Here is a website which shows if your data has been leaked online using email or Phone globally.

check if your data has been leaked online
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How to check if your data has been leaked online

1 . Visit this website first.

2. Now, Enter Your Email or Phone number.

3. It will search your email in all the data breaches.

4. After searching, it will show you if your data has been leaked.

5. It will also show which app has leaked your data/information.

Note: If your data have been leaked, You should instantly change your password and other information.

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